Sunday, November 4, 2007

Even Marvin Quit on Us!

With 2:30 left to play, Marvin removed his headset cashing in his chips on another outstanding loss! This team is an absolute - I mean absolute - embarrassment! Once again, we are the team that gives up "firsts". Marshawn Lynch had his first 100 yard game, his first touchdown pass and his first professional reception. It was the first time in 8 games that Buffalo scored on the opening drive. Let's face it - we suck!

And how about the last touchdown by Marshawn Lynch? Jeanty wiffs, our $8million dollar man Justin Smith misses the tackle, and Deltha O'Neal was so afraid of contact he fell over backwards and wasn't even touched! Nice fake on the injury!!! Please just leave!

So, after reading the paper this morning and seeing from our beloved owner - the biggest ASSHOLE in professional sports!!! - that everything is OK? Like Marvin -I quit. I don't even care any more! Thank God it's college basketball season!